科班地區是宏都拉斯咖啡的重要產地之一,有著多種高品質的咖啡品種,其中包括著名的 Bourbon、Caturra 和 Catuaí。這些品種以其高品質和獨特的風味特徵而著稱,沖泡出來的咖啡有著明亮的酸度、豐富的風味和清新的回甘。而科班的咖啡還因其甜度和柑橘類水果的香氣而聞名,如檸檬、青檸、青蘋果,有時還有一點佛手柑的香味。
在 Copán 這個地區探索時,你會發現咖啡種植過程中每一個步驟都有細心的關注。這裡的農民對土地和種植條件有著深刻的了解,這是代代相傳下來的。他們不懈地努力確保每一款豆子都種得完美,他們的奉獻在每一口咖啡中都能感受到。在科班的許多農民也是合作社的一部分,這使他們能夠共享資源和知識,以提高咖啡的品質和提高生產力。這種社區感是該地區文化的重要部分,也是科班咖啡一直如此高品質的原因之一。
- 首先,科班因其豐富的瑪雅歷史而聞名。該地區擁有古老的科班瑪雅遺址,被認為是瑪雅世界中最令人印象深刻、保存最好的遺址之一。遊客可以探索遺址,了解古代文明的歷史。
- 還有一件事是科班出名的,就是它那美麗的自然景觀。這個地區有著茂密的森林、瀑布和壯觀的山脈,提供了很多徒步和戶外活動的機會。還有許多自然溫泉,適合在一天的冒險之後放鬆和恢復。
- 科班也是一個有著繁榮當地文化和藝術的地區。從傳統的織品和織品到手繪陶器和色彩繽紛的壁畫,這裡有很多東西可以探索和發現,關於當地的藝術和文化。游客可以探索當地市場、藝廊和工作室,更深入地了解該地區豐富的文化遺產和創意表達。
1000-1700m 海拔高度
包括以下省份:Copan省、Ocotepeque省與Santa Bárbara省
卡杜艾 (Catuai)
巴卡斯 (Pacas)
倫皮拉 (Lempira)
伊卡啡90 (IHCAFE-90)
When it comes to coffee, Honduras is a hidden gem in the world of specialty coffee. And among the many regions that produce high-quality beans, Copán stands out as a true standout. Nestled in the mountains of western Honduras, this region is known for its high altitude, volcanic soil, and ideal growing conditions that produce some of the best Arabica coffee in the country.
Picture yourself wandering through lush, green hills, surrounded by the sweet aroma of coffee blossoms in the air. The cool temperatures, combined with abundant rainfall, create the perfect environment for growing coffee. And the coffee grown in Copán is truly special, known for its bright acidity, fruity notes, and a balanced body that will leave you wanting more.
The region is home to several varieties of Arabica coffee, including the well-known Bourbon, Caturra, and Catuaí. These varieties are recognized for their high quality and unique flavor profiles, producing a cup with bright acidity, complex flavors, and a clean finish. The coffee from Copán is also known for its sweetness and its fruity notes, such as lemon, lime, green apple, and sometimes a hint of bergamot.
As you explore the region, you'll notice the care and attention to detail that goes into every step of the coffee-growing process. The farmers here have a deep understanding of the land and the growing conditions, passed down from generation to generation. They work tirelessly to ensure that each bean is grown to perfection, and their dedication is evident in every sip.
Many of the farmers in Copán are also part of cooperatives, which allows them to pool resources and knowledge to improve the quality of their coffee and increase productivity. This sense of community is a key part of the region's culture, and it's one of the reasons why the coffee from Copán is so consistently high-quality.
But the story of Copán's coffee doesn't end there. The region is also known for its commitment to sustainability and social responsibility. Many of the farmers in the region are certified organic or Fair Trade, ensuring that the coffee is grown in an environmentally friendly way and that the farmers are paid a fair price for their crop. Additionally, many of the farmers in the region are members of the Rainforest Alliance, which ensures that the coffee is grown in a way that preserves the natural habitat and protects the rights of the workers.
So, as you can see, the story of Copán's coffee is a unique and compelling one. From the ideal growing conditions to the dedication of the farmers, every aspect of the region's coffee production is carefully considered to produce some of the best beans in the country. The next time you're looking for a delicious and unique cup of coffee, look no further than Copán. Whether you're a coffee connoisseur or just a casual enthusiast, the coffee from this region is sure to delight your taste buds and leave a lasting impression. And by choosing coffee from Copán, you're not just enjoying a delicious beverage, you're also supporting a community of farmers who are committed to sustainability and social responsibility. So, next time you're at your local coffee shop, ask for a cup of Honduran coffee and discover the taste of Copán.
Three things you should know about Copan:
- One of the main draws to Copán is its rich Mayan history. The region is home to the ancient Mayan ruins of Copán, which are considered to be some of the most impressive and well-preserved ruins in the Mayan world. Visitors can explore the ruins and learn about the history of the ancient civilization that once flourished here.
- Another thing that Copán is known for is its breathtaking natural beauty. The region is home to lush forests, cascading waterfalls, and stunning mountain ranges that offer plenty of opportunities for hiking and outdoor activities. There are also many natural hot springs in the area, which are perfect for relaxing and rejuvenating after a day of adventure.
- Copán is also home to a vibrant local culture and arts scene. From traditional textiles and woven goods to hand-painted pottery and colorful murals, there is plenty to explore and discover when it comes to local art and culture. Visitors can explore local markets, art galleries, and studios to gain a deeper understanding of the region's rich heritage and creative expression.
Cup Characteristics: A coffee with a sweet aroma, balanced and creamy body with a chocolate flavor and a lingering finish.
Location: Includes the departments of Copan, Ocotepeque and Santa Barbara.
Rainfall: 1300-2300 mm
Altitude: 1000-1700 m
Temperature: 16-24 °C
Shade Type: Inga, fruit and forest.
Coffee Varieties: Bourbon, Catuai, Pacas, Lempira and Ihcafe-90
Harvest: November to March