

在過去幾個產季之中,期貨市場價格嚴重影響宏都拉斯的咖啡農民們,而今年,新冠肺炎(Covid-19)的來臨更是讓整個情勢加劇。馬科斯 洛薩諾(Marcos Lozano),COMSA處理廠出口的負責人這樣說道 “在產季開始之前整個市場價格走向看起來是樂觀的,而好的市場價格也讓小莊園的農民們產生動力,但直到一月,市場價格開始下降,我們期待的心情也跟著隨之而去。”新冠肺炎(Covid-19)對產區的農民們真的產生極大挑戰,同時也伴隨著其他的因素,像是低價格的危機,移民和氣候變遷等等...。












Zircle Coffee(臺灣咖啡生豆進口商)的宗旨就是在幫助咖啡生產者,我們在宏都拉斯的團隊加快了所有出口的流程,讓生產者們能夠更快速地獲得應得的回報。經過這些年,我們已經找到了一些生產精品豆的莊主們和我們持續合作,他們都擁有了兩個共通點,對於咖啡的熱情還有對於品質維護的重視性。

儘管情勢嚴峻,但我們相信我們已經建立起一個穩定的商業模式並且和咖啡農民們有直接的合作關係,因此,在台灣的客戶才能繼續信任Zircle Coffee所做的一切,相信我們能夠繼續提供符合客戶需求跟標準的咖啡豆,同樣地,我們也能夠跟農民們持續維持良好互信的關係,提供他們每年穩定的收入。


In the face of adversity, Honduran Coffee farmers have remained resilient. Despite facing low commodity prices and the added challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, these dedicated growers have persevered. Marcos Lozano, export manager at COMSA, notes that while the initial outlook for the latest harvest was optimistic, the downturn in coffee prices in January was a significant blow. But, even with such obstacles, these farmers continue to push forward, determined to produce the best possible Honduran Coffee.

With over 120,000 small coffee farmers whose livelihoods depend on the industry, the passion and hard work of these growers is more important than ever.

The COVID-19 Impact on the Honduran Coffee Supply Chain 

The rich, flavorful world of Honduran Coffee has been hit hard by the ongoing challenges of low commodity prices and the COVID-19 pandemic. As the largest coffee-producing country in Central America, small farmers have felt the impact acutely, facing delays in exports and contracts, as well as obstacles in transportation and logistics.

Despite these challenges, the Honduran Coffee Institute remains determined to persevere, and coffee shop owners and roasters in Taiwan continue to look for new and innovative ways to collaborate with farmers and ensure that the high-quality Honduran Coffee beans we all know and love continue to be grown and enjoyed. 

Low Price Crises Impact

As the Honduran harvest season kicked off in October, farmers were filled with hope for a successful year. But by January, the coffee market took a turn for the worst. Prices dropped, and many negotiations were left unresolved. Honduran coffee is the backbone of the country's agricultural industry, making up a significant portion of the national GDP. But this low price crisis has left small farmers in a difficult position, without the resources they need to keep their farms running.

Farmers are now struggling to maintain their land, and some are even being forced to rely on other crops like corn and beans. Unfortunately, some are also leaving the country in search of better opportunities. The Honduran economy relies heavily on coffee production, and it's more important than ever that the government steps in to support the farmers and the entire supply chain.


Is there a hope for Small farmers ? 

At Zircle Coffee, we're dedicated to fostering long-lasting partnerships with Honduran Coffee farmers. As a green coffee bean importer, we understand the challenges that the recent low commodity prices and the COVID-19 pandemic have presented to small farmers. However, our team in Honduras is working hard to streamline the coffee export process and help producers continue to grow and harvest the highest quality beans.

We're proud to work with farmers who are as passionate about coffee as we are and we're committed to providing our customers with specialty Honduran coffees that meet their standards and needs. By building a sustainable business model and direct relationships with producers, we're helping to ensure that our farmers can maintain a stable income year after year.