

我是米爾娜·利澤思·多明格斯·馬爾克斯(Mirna Lizeth Domínguez Márquez),我是第三代的咖啡農。

我的爸媽瑪麗亞·瑞里·馬爾克斯(María Nery Márquez) 和阿方索·多明格斯 (Alfonso Domínguez) 各自都是咖啡農莊的經營者,所以從小我就是在咖啡莊園裡長大的孩子,也因為這樣的生長環境讓我慢慢在成長過程中喚醒了我對咖啡全然的熱情。

Honduras Coffee








I come from a family of coffee farmers and it's in my blood. My parents, María Nery Márquez and Alfonso Domínguez, have been growing coffee for years with lots of passion and hard work. From a young age, I was always around the coffee farms and it sparked a passion in me as I got older. 

Being a coffee farmer isn't always easy, but the rewards make it worth it. From the early morning starts to the long days in the field, it takes a lot of dedication and hard work to grow and harvest high-quality coffee beans.

Honduran Coffee

But when you see the final product, it's all worth it. The rich aroma and bold flavor of a freshly brewed cup of coffee is a reward in itself. And knowing that you played a part in bringing that delicious cup of coffee to the table is truly satisfying.

One of the most challenging aspects of being a coffee farmer is dealing with the unpredictable nature of weather and pests. It's not uncommon for a crop to be devastated by a sudden storm or an infestation of insects. But through years of experience, we have learned how to adapt and overcome these obstacles.

Another challenging aspect is the price fluctuation of the coffee beans in the market. It's important to have a good understanding of the market and to have diversified income sources.

Despite the difficulties, there's nothing quite like the feeling of walking through a coffee farm and seeing the lush green plants flourishing. The sense of accomplishment and pride that comes from being a coffee farmer is truly special. And that's why I love what I do.