



嘗試新的配方可以幫助平衡品質和成本。考慮使用我們的海盜咖啡作為高端配方的基礎。海盜提供卓越的風味,可以提升任何配方。對於更經濟實惠的選擇,Bad Boys是個絕佳選擇。它非常適合專注於成本考量卻又必須要保持一定品質的配方。通過創新配方,你可以有效地滿足不同市場的需求。

例如,3M科學家Dr. Spencer Silver發現了一種特殊的黏合劑,它的黏著性較輕不會緊密黏合。他努力尋找它適合的用途,直到另一位3M科學家Art Fry在找尋適合他練習簿的書籤。因此他們創造了"便利貼",徹底改變了溝通方式。同樣地,運用不同豆子的特型創造出適合的配方,我們覺得海盜和 Bad Boys 可以為你的配方帶來經濟實惠又具品質的創新配方。




合作是關鍵。與其他烘焙商建立聯盟,共享知識、資源,並與供應商談判更好的交易。如果你與你的烘焙商朋友有興趣一起購買一批量的豆子,Zircle Coffee可以幫助你獲得更好的價格。我們可以接受集體訂單並將咖啡送到不同的地點,確保這筆訂單的每個人都能受益於價格優惠。
















例如,Zappos創辦人Tony Hsieh(謝家華)優先考慮全面的員工發展。新員工需要參加為期四週的培訓計劃,深入了解Zappos的核心價值、文化和客戶服務理念。這種方法培養了一支充滿熱情的團隊,致力於提供卓越的客戶體驗。咖啡店可以採用類似的策略,確保員工有能力提供出色的服務。








Navigating Coffee Price Volatility: Practical Tips for Coffee Shops and Roasters

As coffee prices continue to rise, it’s crucial for coffee shops and roasters to adapt and find innovative ways to mitigate the impact. Here are some strategies to help navigate these challenges while maintaining quality and customer satisfaction.

Innovate with Blends

Experimenting with new blends can help balance quality and cost. Consider using our Pirates coffee as a base for premium blends. Pirates offers exceptional flavors that can elevate any blend. For a more budget-friendly option, Bad Boys is an excellent choice. It fits well into blends focused on affordability without compromising on taste. By innovating with blends, you can cater to different market segments effectively.

Example: Dr. Spencer Silver, a 3M scientist, discovered a peculiar adhesive that stuck lightly but didn’t bond tightly. He struggled to find a use for it until Art Fry, another 3M scientist, needed a solution for his choir practice bookmarks. They created Post-It Notes, revolutionizing communication. Similarly, creative blending can lead to new, cost-effective coffee products.

Collaborate with Other Roasters

Collaboration is key. Form alliances with other local roasters to share knowledge, resources, and negotiate better deals with suppliers. If you talk to your roaster buddies and express interest in bulk buying, Zircle Coffee can help you access better prices. We can take collective orders and deliver the coffees to different coffee shops, ensuring everyone benefits from economies of scale.

Example: Despite being competitors, Nestlé and Starbucks formed a successful partnership through their Global Coffee Alliance, combining Starbucks’ brand strength with Nestlé’s manufacturing capabilities. This collaboration introduced Starbucks products to nearly 80 markets worldwide and significantly boosted Nestlé’s coffee business.

Offer Flexible Pricing Models

Introducing tiered pricing models can help cater to different customer segments. Our Pirates coffee can be used for blends or offered as a basic specialty coffee. It’s perfect for consumers who love a balanced and easy-to-drink coffee every day. Their expectations are less demanding compared to those who prefer more specialty coffees. By offering both premium and budget-friendly options, you can appeal to a broader audience. 

Example: Lexus, Toyota’s luxury division, offers high-end vehicles with premium features, while Toyota provides affordable, reliable cars like the Corolla and Camry. This strategy caters to different market segments effectively.

Diversify Sourcing

Diversifying your coffee sourcing is essential. Relying on a single origin can be risky, especially with the unpredictable nature of climate change. By sourcing coffee from multiple regions, you can minimize the impact of regional disruptions and ensure a more stable supply chain.

Example: As a company that buys approximately three percent of the world’s coffee, sourced from more than 400,000 farmers in 30 countries, Starbucks understands their future is inextricably tied to the future of farmers and their families. This wide-ranging sourcing strategy helps mitigate the risks associated with regional disruptions such as adverse weather, political instability, or pest outbreaks.

Educate Consumers

Engaging your customers in conversations about the coffee industry’s challenges can be incredibly impactful. Little chats in the coffee shop can help raise awareness of the hard work and dedication required to provide high-quality coffee. By educating your consumers about the realities of coffee production, you foster a deeper appreciation and understanding, making them more supportive of necessary price adjustments.

Example: When smartphones were first introduced, many consumers were content with their feature phones, primarily used for calling and texting. Through education and marketing, consumers learned about the extensive benefits of smartphones, leading to the rapid adoption of smartphones globally. Similarly, educating your customers about coffee’s challenges can foster support for price adjustments. 

Training and Education

Invest in training your baristas and staff. They are the first point of contact for consumers and play a crucial role in building awareness about the challenges of sourcing excellent coffee. Well-trained baristas can maximize the quality and consistency of the coffee served, adding value to the end product and enhancing customer satisfaction.

Example: Tony Hsieh, founder of Zappos and of Taiwanese descent, prioritized comprehensive employee development programs. New employees undergo a four-week training program that delves into Zappos’ core values, culture, and customer service philosophies. This approach has cultivated a passionate workforce dedicated to delivering exceptional customer experiences. Coffee shops can adopt a similar strategy to ensure their staff are well-equipped to provide outstanding service.

Build Awareness and Trust

Transparency is vital. While nobody likes to pay more for their coffee, building awareness and trust with your consumers makes it easier to adjust prices when necessary. By being open about the challenges and costs involved in providing high-quality coffee, you foster a loyal customer base that understands and appreciates your efforts.

Research Findings: Studies show that consumers perceive a firm’s price increase as more fair when the firm discloses the increase itself. For a small price increase, a limited explanation was seen as fair; for a larger increase, a detailed cost explanation was deemed appropriate. Transparency about pricing helps maintain trust and loyalty among your customers.

By implementing these strategies, coffee shops and roasters can navigate the complexities of coffee price volatility while maintaining high standards and customer loyalty.

READ MORE ABOUT "Why Your Coffee is Getting Pricier: What You Need to Know"