


也因為今年主要生產羅布斯塔的越南和印尼生產量下降,導致烘焙商必須爭奪咖啡豆。Luigi Lavazza SpA咖啡烘焙商的主席Giuseppe Lavazza在本週的採訪中表示,羅布斯塔期貨價格達到了自2008年以來的最高點,然後有所回落。他說,這意味著阿拉比卡價格也必須保持“相當高”。那麼,究竟到底是什麼原因推動了這一波上漲呢?





想像一下你在照顧花園,但你面對的不僅是偶爾的降雨,而是乾旱或意外的大雨。這就是巴西和越南的情況。巴西的Minas Gerais,這是一個主要的阿拉比卡產區,僅收到平時四分之一的降雨量。與此同時,越南的羅布斯塔作物也因乾旱遭受一些無法挽回的損害。這種天氣的變化是價格上漲的主要原因之一。










現在,讓我們談談對沖基金。這些金融巨頭正在大力押注咖啡價格會進一步上漲。由於預期未來供應短缺,他們正在做多頭寸,通過純粹的預期推動價格上漲。這是一個對咖啡未來充滿信心的看漲賭注。越南作為世界上最大的羅布斯塔生產國,由於今年的收成不佳,烘焙商支付的價格比期貨價格高出1000美元,Giuseppe Lavazza在採訪中表示。“我們在行業歷史上從未見過這樣的情況,”Lavazza說。“特別的是,這種影響持續時間之長。”


歐盟森林砍伐法規 (EUDR) 的影響

展望未來,還有另一個故事情節——歐盟的森林砍伐法規 (EUDR)。這項將於2024年12月生效的新規定要求進入歐盟的咖啡不得與2020年後的森林砍伐有關。







在Zircle Coffee,我們致力於適應這些變化,確保你的咖啡始終保持高品質。密切關注趨勢,享受你的咖啡,我們會確保你的最愛始終如一地美味。

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Why Your Coffee is Getting Pricier: What You Need to Know 

If you’ve been keeping an eye on your caffeine fix costs lately, you might have noticed something brewing – and it’s not just your morning coffee. Prices are heating up, and there’s a whirlwind of factors behind this surge. Let’s dive into what’s stirring up the coffee market and what it means for your favorite blends.

Current Coffee Market Trends

First, let’s talk numbers. Recently, September Arabica coffee jumped up by 2.38%, while September Robusta surged nearly 4%. These price movements are reflective of broader market trends, with Arabica reaching a 1-1/2 week high and Robusta hitting a one-month peak. Futures for higher-end Arabica are up about 30% this year, as shortages of the cheaper Robusta variety bolster demand for the premium bean favored by Starbucks Corp. and Nestle SA’s Nespresso brands.

Production in major Robusta growers Vietnam and Indonesia dropped this year, leaving roasters jostling for beans, Giuseppe Lavazza, chairman of coffee roaster Luigi Lavazza SpA, said in an interview this week. Robusta futures this week reached the highest in data since 2008, before easing. That means Arabica has to stay “quite high” too, he said. So, what’s fueling this upward climb?

Factors Driving Coffee Prices Up

Weather Woes

Imagine tending a garden, but instead of occasional rain, you’re facing droughts or unexpected downpours. That’s what’s happening in Brazil and Vietnam. Brazil’s Minas Gerais, a key Arabica region, got just a quarter of its usual rain. Meanwhile, Vietnam’s Robusta crops are parched, with some damage being irreversible. This weather rollercoaster is a major culprit behind rising prices.

Supply Chain Snags

Global logistics have been a bit of a mess – think shipping delays and port congestion. These hiccups are slowing down coffee deliveries, tightening supply chains, and nudging prices upward. The higher prices, combined with rising shipping costs due to disruptions in the Suez Canal and a stronger dollar, have seen the Italian roaster’s costs jump more than €800 million ($865 million) in the last two years, Lavazza added.

Currency Chaos

The Brazilian real, though still weak, has also been strengthening against the US dollar. That is providing some relief to coffee markets, as “currencies were perhaps the primary obstacles to the bull market” last month, said Ryan Delany, Coffee Trading Academy LLC’s chief analyst. 

As coffee buyers, a strong US dollar increases importers’ costs. Following the latest CPI data in the US released on Thursday, July 11th, there are expectations that the FED might start cutting interest rates this September, potentially impacting the strength of the US dollar. Headlines are divided, with differing expectations on the dollar’s future. If the dollar maintains its strength, we can expect a higher impact next year on buying coffee, which is also expected to be more expensive as the trend in coffee prices suggests.

Market Speculation

Now, let’s talk hedge funds. These financial heavyweights are betting big on coffee prices rising even more. With speculations of future shortfalls, they’re taking long positions and driving prices up through sheer expectation. It’s a bullish bet on a caffeinated future. Expectations of another production shortfall in Vietnam, the world’s top producer of Robusta, is fueling a surge in prices for the bean variety used in blends and espressos, Giuseppe Lavazza said in an interview.

This year’s poor harvest has seen roasters pay as much as $1,000 above futures prices for Vietnam’s beans, he added. “We’ve never seen something like that in the history of our industry,” Lavazza said. “And what is very special is the long-lasting effect of this.”

While hedge funds have a party wishing and pushing for a bull case scenario, their gains mean others face losses. We, like many others, have to buy at higher prices. It’s a zero-sum game – don’t hate the player, hate the game, and learn how to adjust. Arabica coffee could face volatility with the start of winter in the South American nation as traders look out for any signs of a frost. “The market is very nervous,” Lavazza said. “And when it’s so volatile, every single news can provoke a shock.”

Impact of the European Union Deforestation Regulation (EUDR)

Looking ahead, there’s another twist in the tale – the European Union’s Deforestation Regulation (EUDR). This upcoming rule, kicking in December 2024, mandates that coffee entering the EU must not be linked to deforestation post-2020. 

Short-Term Surge

Companies are scrambling to buy coffee earlier than usual to avoid compliance issues. Lavazza notes that this pre-emptive buying spree is already pushing prices higher. Companies are seeking to bypass the stringent requirements by securing their supplies ahead of time, leading to increased demand and higher prices in the short term.

With the European Union Deforestation Regulation or EUDR kicking in by the end of the year, “a lot of players are buying coffee a little bit earlier,” Lavazza said, looking to bypass the requirement to prove their supply chains aren’t linked to land that was deforested after 2020. “No doubt that the coffee that European roasters are going to buy will cost much more,” he added. “Companies in the coffee industry are facing very strong headwinds.”

Long-Term Ripples

The EUDR is set to shake things up more broadly. Smaller producers might struggle to meet these new requirements, potentially shrinking the pool of available coffee and pushing prices up further. If other regions follow the EU’s lead, we could see a global squeeze on compliant coffee.


So, what does all this mean for the coffee market? A mix of challenging weather, logistical logjams, speculative trading, and new regulations are all brewing together to stir up coffee prices. Staying informed is key as we navigate these choppy waters.

At Zircle Coffee, we’re committed to adapting to these changes and ensuring that your coffee remains top-notch. Keep an eye on the trends, enjoy your brew, and rest assured that we’re on top of it all, making sure your favorite blends stay as delightful as ever.

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