
歐巴拉卡(Opalaca)是位於宏都拉斯西部高地的咖啡產區,包括Santa Barbara, Intibucá,和Lempira,海拔高達1,100-1,500,以生產該國最高品質的阿拉比卡豆聞名。該地區擁有理想的咖啡種植條件,包括高海拔、涼爽的氣候和充沛的降雨量。這些條件加上當地農民的辛勤工作和奉獻精神,產生了具有獨特味道和風味的咖啡。



Honduran Coffee Opalaca


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選擇來自歐巴拉卡(Opalaca)的咖啡,不僅可以享受美味而獨特的咖啡,還可以支持一個致力於可持續發展和社會責任的農民社區。 這個地區還是多種阿拉比卡咖啡,包括Bourbon, Caturra和Catuaí的家。 配合完美的氣候,土壤和耕作技術,來自Opalaca的咖啡真的是其他宏都拉斯咖啡的佼佼者。


Opalaca is a coffee region located in the western highlands of Honduras that includes Santa Barbara, Intibucá, and Lempira, with an altitude of 1,100–1,500 known for producing some of the highest-quality Arabica beans in the country. The region boasts ideal growing conditions for coffee, including high altitude, and cool temperatures with abundant rainfall. These conditions, combined with the hard work and dedication of local farmers, result in coffee that is both flavorful and unique.

Honduran Coffee Opalaca

One of the main types of coffee grown in Opalaca is the Bourbon variety. This type of coffee is known for its bright acidity and fruity notes, making it a popular choice among coffee enthusiasts. Additionally, the region also produces other varieties of Arabica coffee, such as Caturra and Catuaí, which are known for their balanced body and complex flavor profiles.

The climate in Opalaca is ideal for coffee cultivation, with temperatures ranging between 16 and 22 degrees Celsius, and an average annual rainfall of 1,500 millimeters. These conditions provide the perfect environment for coffee to thrive. The soil is rich in nutrients and minerals, which help to give the coffee its unique and distinct flavor. 

Choosing coffee from Opalaca not only supports a delicious and unique cup of coffee but also supports a community of farmers committed to sustainability and social responsibility. The region is also home to several varieties of Arabica coffee including Bourbon, Caturra, and Catuaí. With the perfect combination of climate, soil, and farming techniques, the coffee from Opalaca is truly a standout among other Honduran coffees.